lunedì 2 dicembre 2013


SCRIVI E CONDIVIDI: ECVAM SVEGLIA! Scriviamo numerosissimi, scriviamo tutti all'ECVAM, l'organismo europeo preposto alla convalida dei metodi alternativi. Le sue esasperanti lungaggini - anche più di dieci anni per convalidare un solo metodo sostitutivo - rappresentano una tragica, intollerabile beffa per tutti noi: gli animali e gli umani. Noi paghiamo con le nostre tasse i loro stipendi, loro dormono, gli animali muoiono, la nostra salute e quella dell'ambiente restano pericolosamente sotto scacco. NO VIVISEZIONE! ECVAM TRASPARENTE! DEVE PASSARE UN SOLO ANNO PER LA CONVALIDA DI UN METODO SOSTITUTIVO! Ecco il testo della lettera da copiare, incollare (per favore senza ulteriori commenti, senza insulti) e mandare a questo indirizzo email: Testo: ....................................... TO EURL ECVAM Considering that: a) Animal models have an extremely low predictivity, so much so that in 81% of the cases they fail to detect severe side effects of drugs and that 92% of drugs successfully tested on animals do not pass test on humans; b) this has severe consequences on human health: about 197,000 European citizens die each year from adverse effects of drugs; this happens even though high doses of the same drugs are administered to animals for long periods just in order to detect potential rare adverse effects; c) a non-predictive model can slow down or mislead medical research, leading thousands of people to an early death which could have been avoided had a better model been used. Predictive and effective methods of drug testing are a necessity in order to safeguard human health. Yet, considering that: a) there have been cases in which the use of animal models as the "gold standard" has hindered the appreciation of the real potential of alternative methods, or has even caused them to be rejected, while the same methods have later shown to be valid and reliable; b) the use of retrospective meta-analyses based on human data as a validation method could solve this problem. We ask that: 1) The time for validation of an alternative method be reduced from ten years to one; 2) The use of retrospective meta-analyses as the only criterion for validation be introduced, and the use of animal methods as the "gold standard" to which alternative methods should be compared be abolished; 3) Human data be collected for use in this process of retrospective validation; 4) Priority be given to methods which fall into the "replacement" category as opposed to "reduction" or "refinement"; 5) Priority be given to methods whose action spans several experimental fields; 6) Priority be given to methods which make exclusive use of human tissues and materials, and financing be restricted to these methods; Best regards, [Nome, Cognome]
Mi piace ·  ·  · 13 minuti fa · 

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